This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Water Europe events.

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WIE2024 17 June - Side Event: ZeroPollution4Water Cluster Workshop

Public Price

17 June, 09.00 - 12.00

Workshop organised by the ZeroPollution4Water Cluster.

  • Public PricePrice:Complimentary
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WIE2024 Day 1, 17 June - EU Green Week Partner Event

Public Price

As a Green Week Partner Event, this first part of Water Innovation Europe 2024 will demonstrate the socio-economic value of water to society and the legal framework to build a water-smart economy.

  • Public PricePrice:Complimentary
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WIE2024 17 June - Networking Dinner - Garden Party

Member Price / Public Price

During the garden party, innovative solutions will take centre stage with the presentation of five annual awards, offering a perfect opportunity for casual networking.

  • Member PricePrice:€90.-
  • Public PricePrice:€145.-
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WIE2024 Day 2, 18 June - Main Event and Side Events

Public Price

The second day focuses on the implementation of circular water solutions and unveils the second edition of the Living Labs atlas of Water Europe. Please choose in the add-ons the parallel session in which you wish to participate:

Option 1: International Water Dialogue
Option 2: New Waves Festival 2024
Option 3: Grey Scenarios towards resilient water systems
Option 4: No selection

  • Public PricePrice:Complimentary
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WIE2024 19 June - Side Event: Water4All & Water Oriented LivingLabs

Public Price

19 June from 13.30 till 16.00

Just back from the World Water Forum in Bali, the Water4All Partnership -Water Security for the Planet - a funding R&D programme for freshwater, will zoom on the outcomes of this global momentum for water. This workshop will also focus on the newly launched projects and the Water-oriented LivingLabs.

  • Public PricePrice:Complimentary
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WIE2024 Day 3, 19 June - Water Innovation Europe WE Working Groups Registration

Member Price


Please choose from the below add-ones the WGs to which you wish to participate.

09.30 - 10.30
Water & Industry WG Led By Thomas Track & Heleen Nieuwenhuis
Renewable Energy Desalination WG led by Guillermo Zaragoza
Water and Sustainable Agrifood Systems WG Led by Antonia María Lorenzo López

10.30 - 11.00 Coffee break

11.00 - 12.00
Water Beyond Europe WG led David Smith
Water and Zero Pollution WG led by Jan Hofman, Lian Lundy
Water & Public Health WG led by Cristian Carboni
Human Capital WG led by Naomi Timmer and Leonardo Piccinetti

12.00 - 13.30 Lunch break

13.30 - 14.30
Water Sensors and Tools WG Led by Armando di Nardo, Jordi Cros
Water & Biodiversity WG meeting led by Sara Eeman

14.30 - 15.00 Coffee break

15.00 - 16.00
Resource Recovery WG led by Martijn Bijmans, Blanca Antizar, Pieter de Jong
Digital Water Systems and Interoperability WG led by Eloisa Vargiu

  • Member PricePrice:Complimentary
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