Join us on 17 February 2023 at 16.00 CET for the Water Europe webinar on Biologically-inspired design for a water smart society. It will introduce bio-inspired innovation as an opportunity to increase efficiency and effectiveness of water systems in line with Water Europe's vision Vision of for a Water-Smart Society and the White Paper "Opportunities for Hybrid Grey and Green Infrastructure in water management: Challenges and ways forward"
The White paper is the product of a joint quest by the Water Europe's Vision Leadership Team Grey-Green Infrastructure, and the Working Groups on Nature-based Solutions, Ecosystem Services and Water Distribution Infrastructure. Lead speaker will be dr Alessandro Bianciardi, biomimicry practitioner and co-founder of Planet-Nature Inspired Technology.
Nature has always provided a constant source of inspiration. The more we deepen our knowledge of nature, its components and their relationships, the more we discover that the problems nature solved in 4 billion years of evolution are similar to the ones confronting our society. Nature had to learn how to gather and efficiently store energy and water; how to manufacture at ambient conditions, how to build structures using locally abundant materials; and how to build cooperative societies and make them adaptable and resilient to crisis. Ultimately, nature designed and built thriving and sustainable circular economies, known as ecosystems.
Nature Inspired innovation encompasses two categories: Nature-Based Solution, which is the use of nature to provide ecosystem services for global societal challenges, and Biologically-Inspired Design that is the abstraction and translation of biological principles into human-made technology. A sort of reverse engineering of living systems that lies at the heart of hybrid green-grey infrastructure, integrating blue-green, grey, and smart water technologies for a reliable, efficient, and effective performance.
This webinar aims at introducing Biologically-Inspired Design, to explore how it could support innovation in water resources management, for instance in the WE Water-Oriented Living Labs, and how the water sector could benefit from it.
16:00 - 16:20
16:20 - 16:40
16:40 - 16:50
16:50 - 17:05
Durk Krol
Executive Director of Water Europe
17:05 - 17:30