College H - Research and technology developers & Utilities (College A daughter company)
This is a Lifetime membership
This membership includes Unlimited member slot(s)
Delegated membership is available for a legal entity that is owned or controlled by a College A member (a daughter company).
The request for delegated membership can either be made by the daughter or parent company. Delegate Members have the same rights and obligations as Associate Membership and will be dealt with in the same way as the latter. Consequently, Delegate Members may take part in all WE's activities under the same conditions as Corporate Members, but they cannot participate to the WE governance and therefore cannot be represented at the WE General Meeting or at Board level.
WE AoA membership is not limited in time and automatically renewed on a full calendar year basis.
Membership cancellations for the next year need to be submitted to the Executive Director before the 1st of October of the running year .
The main duties and rights of Corporate members are:
Have access to all WE programs and membership benefits