CSOs refer to organizations legally registered with appropriated statues, working for the benefit of society or in-service delivery, sometimes in collaboration with grass-roots organizations. CSO can include geographic or thematic networks and platforms or common dialogue forum for umbrella organizations and networks. Civil society includes professional associations, trade unions, social movements, coalitions, advocacy groups, charities, development NGOs, community groups, women's organizations.
Adherence to a number of criteria can indicate if an organization qualifies for college G. Some notable criteria are:
- The organization is separated from both the state and the market;
- The organization is primarily community-serving, meaning that, other than catering to its members' needs, the organization serves a broader purpose, for instance societal or environmental;
- The organization bases its income primarily on donations and public subsidies;
- The organization is registered as an NGO, non-profit, foundation, charity or in a category with similar traits.
WE AoA membership is not limited in time and automatically renewed on a full calendar year basis.
Membership cancellations for the next year need to be submitted to the Executive Director before the 1st of October of the running year .
The main duties and rights are:
- Have access to all WE programs and membership benefits
- Endorse WE Water Vision
- Accept Articles of Association and Bylaws