How can NBS support climate-change adaptation and mitigation in the water sector? An illustration with urban stormwater management
International efforts to address climate change adaptation are intensifying to prepare for rising seas, higher temperatures, worsening droughts, intensifying floods, and other impacts that can affect water resources. Taking action on climate change means adopting and implementing actions to limit emissions of greenhouse gases to levels compatible with the well-being of the ecosphere.
The increased demand for land by urban areas is causing wetlands and other wet areas to decrease globally, nevertheless wetlands play an important role in protecting from climate change impacts. In the last decades the potential for creating wetlands in and around cities has received more attention to mitigate climate change effects. Benefits include preserving and restoring the so-called "carbon sinks" that store carbon, mitigating heat waves, lowering the effect of droughts and floods while addressing societal goals. Increasingly, policymakers recognize the need to integrate climate-resilient strategies into long-term development programs.
Having this in mind, Water Europe - under ARSINOE's umbrella - will facilitate knowledge transfer and exploitation by organising a series of seminars on common topics to discuss gaps and synergies with the purpose of leading the discussion towards building a stronger and clearer vision of future actions on available technologies and reinforced decision-making processes, including the social, environmental, and economic dimensions. The scope of these events is to create a critical mass of exchanged knowledge, intelligence, and experience and capitalise, disseminate, and exploit this critical mass for different or combined purposes for policy development, further R&I collaboration, and market uptake of innovations.
This seminar is about "How can NBS support climate-change adaption and mitigation in the water sector? An illustration with urban stormwater management" and will be chaired by the Water Europe Working Group on Nature based Solutions led by Kamal Azrague and Frédéric Cherqui. A panel of experts from the sister projects ARSINOE, TRANSFORMAR, IMPETUS and REGILIENCE will be also participating. This seminar will build a discussion arena about the perspectives and the opportunities given by nature-based solutions to contribute to addressing the water management and climate change challenges from a systemic vision.
Welcome speech: Introduction to the Arsinoe Seminars Series and clustering activities, Andrea Rubini (WATER EUROPE)
Keynote speech, Fabio Masi, Anacleto Rizzo (MULTISOURCE)
How can NBS support climate-change adaption and mitigation in the water sector? An illustration with urban stormwater management, Kamal Azrague, Frédéric Cherqui (WE WG NBS)
A business model for greener cities: a rapid assessment tool to assess the multi-benefits of storm water management, Jan cools (TRANSFORMAR)
Large scale installation of green roofs as NBS for a sustainable urban water management, Elena Cristiano (ARSINOE)
Panel discussion and Q/A session
Wrap up and take aways
Senior Researcher at SINTEF - Society for Industrial and Technical Research / Stiftelsen for Industriell og Teknisk Forskning
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A/Prof at INSA Lyon - Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon
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