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Save the date
Save the dateMarch 16 - 21, 2023 GMT+1
Contact Person: Anca Paduraru
  • Day 1

    March 16, 2023

  • Day 2

    March 17, 2023

  • Day 5

    March 20, 2023

  • Day 6

    March 21, 2023

  • 11:30 - 13:00

    Water & Industry WG Meeting

    Water & Industry WG Meeting

    Thomas Track (Head of Water Management at DECHEMA e.V.)

    Thomas Track

    Head of Water Management at DECHEMA e.V.

    Heleen Nieuwenhuis (Director of marketing at Ecolab)

    Heleen Nieuwenhuis

    Director of marketing at Ecolab

    Led By Thomas Track & Heleen Nieuwenhuis

    14:00 - 15:30

    Water and Sustainable Agrifood WG Meeting

    Water and Sustainable Agrifood WG Meeting

    ALFIERI POLLICE (Chief research scientist at IRSA CNR)


    Chief research scientist at IRSA CNR

    Antonia Lorenzo Lopez (CEO and R&D Directos of BIOAZUL SL)

    Antonia Lorenzo Lopez

    CEO and R&D Directos of BIOAZUL SL

    Rafael Casielles (Project Manager at BIOAZUL SL)

    Rafael Casielles

    Project Manager at BIOAZUL SL

    Led by Rafael Casielles, Antonia Lorenzo and Alfieri
  • 09:30 - 11:00

    Resource Recovery WG Meeting

    Resource Recovery WG Meeting

    Martijn Bijmans (Strategic advisor Europe at Wetsus - European Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Water Technology)

    Martijn Bijmans

    Strategic advisor Europe at Wetsus - European Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Water Technology

    Blanca Antizar (Director of Isle Utilities Ltd)

    Blanca Antizar

    Director of Isle Utilities Ltd

    Dimitris Xevgenos (Executive Project Coordinator at TU Delft - Delft University of Technology)

    Dimitris Xevgenos

    Executive Project Coordinator at TU Delft - Delft University of Technology


    Sam Molenaar



    Joaquín Serralta Sevilla


    Ania Escudero


    Bengt Hansen


    Led by Martijn Bijmans, Dimitris Xevgenos, Blanca Antizar.


    Nutrient Recovery options (10 min presentations)
    1. Anaerobic digestion (organics removal), UPV
    2. Vivianite recovery from Concentrated Streams Phosphate, Kemira
    3. Ammonia Recovery from Concentrated Streams, Pure Water Group
    4. Decentralised Waste Water treatment (Anaerobic digestion/ pyrolysis), Hydro Nation

    Update about UWWTD
     1000 inhabitants will require more advance...
    Led by Martijn Bijmans, Dimitris Xevgenos, Blanca Antizar.


    Nutrient Recovery options (10 min presentations)
    1. Anaerobic digestion (organics removal), UPV
    2. Vivianite recovery from Concentrated Streams Phosphate, Kemira
    3. Ammonia Recovery from Concentrated Streams, Pure Water Group
    4. Decentralised Waste Water treatment (Anaerobic digestion/ pyrolysis), Hydro Nation

    Update about UWWTD
     1000 inhabitants will require more advanced treatment plants
     Higher degree of nutrient recovery
     More attention to removal rates (health and environment)
    view more

    14:00 - 15:30

    Water & Human Capital WG Meeting

    Water & Human Capital WG Meeting

    Naomi Timmer (Director of EJWP - European Junior Water Programme)

    Naomi Timmer

    Director of EJWP - European Junior Water Programme

    Leonardo Piccinetti (CEO of SITES - Sustainable Innovation Technologies Services (formerly EFB, Europe4Business))

    Leonardo Piccinetti

    CEO of SITES - Sustainable Innovation Technologies Services (formerly EFB, Europe4Business)

    Led by Naomi Timmer and Leonardo Piccinetti

    16:00 - 17:30

    Water & Public Health WG Meeting

    Water & Public Health WG Meeting

    Cristian Carboni (Market Development Manager Innovative Disinfection systems at Industrie)

    Cristian Carboni

    Market Development Manager Innovative Disinfection systems at Industrie

    Patrizia Brigidi (Full Professor at UNIBO - Università di Bologna)

    Patrizia Brigidi

    Full Professor at UNIBO - Università di Bologna

    Barth Smets (Professor at Technical University of Denmark)

    Barth Smets

    Professor at Technical University of Denmark

    Maria Rowinski (Dirigente biologa at A.O. SS. Antonio e Biagio e Cesare Arrigo di Alessandria)

    Maria Rowinski

    Dirigente biologa at A.O. SS. Antonio e Biagio e Cesare Arrigo di Alessandria

    Led by Cristian Carboni, Patrizia Brigidi, Barth F. Smets and Maria Elena Rowinski
  • 11:30 - 13:00

    Water and Climate WG Meeting

    Water and Climate WG Meeting

    Tone Muthanna (Professor at NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology)

    Tone Muthanna

    Professor at NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology

    Maria do Céu Almeida (Researcher at LNEC - Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil)

    Maria do Céu Almeida

    Researcher at LNEC - Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil

    Led by Tone Muthanna and Maria do Ceu Almeida

    14:00 - 15:30

    Nature Based Solutions WG Meeting

    Nature Based Solutions WG Meeting

    Kamal Azrague (Senior Researcher at SINTEF - Society for Industrial and Technical Research / Stiftelsen for Industriell og Teknisk Forskning)

    Kamal Azrague

    Senior Researcher at SINTEF - Society for Industrial and Technical Research / Stiftelsen for Industriell og Teknisk Forskning

    Frédéric Cherqui (A/Prof at INSA Lyon - Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon)

    Frédéric Cherqui

    A/Prof at INSA Lyon - Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon

    Led by Kamal Azrague and Frederic Cherqui
  • 09:30 - 11:00

    Water & Biodiversity WG Meeting

    Water & Biodiversity WG Meeting

    Piia Leskinen (Leader of research in Water and Environmental Engineering at Turku AMK - University of Applied Sciences)

    Piia Leskinen

    Leader of research in Water and Environmental Engineering at Turku AMK - University of Applied Sciences

    Sara Eeman (Consultant at Aveco de Bondt)

    Sara Eeman

    Consultant at Aveco de Bondt

    Led by Sara Eeman and Piia Leskinen.

    • Short introduction of the participants
    • Presentation of the setup and focus of our Whitepaper on Perspectives for Biodiversity in water for all water sector actor
    • Reactions by all participants’ input via mentimeter & discussion
    • Showing and gathering examples of best practices to improve biodiversity in the water by different actors.
    • Last round of input and remarks.

    Biodiversity loss is high on th...
    Led by Sara Eeman and Piia Leskinen.

    • Short introduction of the participants
    • Presentation of the setup and focus of our Whitepaper on Perspectives for Biodiversity in water for all water sector actor
    • Reactions by all participants’ input via mentimeter & discussion
    • Showing and gathering examples of best practices to improve biodiversity in the water by different actors.
    • Last round of input and remarks.

    Biodiversity loss is high on the EU political agenda. The biodiversity strategy and related political decisions are likely to somehow affect all water sector actors in the coming years. The Water and Biodiversity WG of Water Europe is currently writing a whitepaper on water and biodiversity and invites all interested members to participate in the WG meeting on March 21st at 9.30 to discuss and give inputs to the paper. Join us and tell what are the messages you would like to get across to the decision makers about future regulations, incentives or research funding!
    view more
Event Details
Event Details

WE Working Group Meetings are set ONLINE, hosted on ZOOM

  • Thomas Track (Head of Water Management at DECHEMA e.V.)

    Thomas Track

    Head of Water Management at DECHEMA e.V.

  • Heleen Nieuwenhuis (Director of marketing at Ecolab)

    Heleen Nieuwenhuis

    Director of marketing at Ecolab

  • Antonia Lorenzo Lopez (CEO and R&D Directos of BIOAZUL SL)

    Antonia Lorenzo Lopez

    CEO and R&D Directos of BIOAZUL SL

  • ALFIERI POLLICE (Chief research scientist at IRSA CNR)


    Chief research scientist at IRSA CNR

  • Martijn Bijmans (Strategic advisor Europe at Wetsus - European Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Water Technology)

    Martijn Bijmans

    Strategic advisor Europe at Wetsus - European Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Water Technology

  • Blanca Antizar (Director of Isle Utilities Ltd)

    Blanca Antizar

    Director of Isle Utilities Ltd

  • Dimitris Xevgenos (Executive Project Coordinator at TU Delft - Delft University of Technology)

    Dimitris Xevgenos

    Executive Project Coordinator at TU Delft - Delft University of Technology

  • Naomi Timmer (Director of EJWP - European Junior Water Programme)

    Naomi Timmer

    Director of EJWP - European Junior Water Programme

  • Leonardo Piccinetti (CEO of SITES - Sustainable Innovation Technologies Services (formerly EFB, Europe4Business))

    Leonardo Piccinetti

    CEO of SITES - Sustainable Innovation Technologies Services (formerly EFB, Europe4Business)

  • Cristian Carboni (Market Development Manager Innovative Disinfection systems at Industrie)

    Cristian Carboni

    Market Development Manager Innovative Disinfection systems at Industrie

  • Patrizia Brigidi (Full Professor at UNIBO - Università di Bologna)

    Patrizia Brigidi

    Full Professor at UNIBO - Università di Bologna

  • Barth Smets (Professor at Technical University of Denmark)

    Barth Smets

    Professor at Technical University of Denmark

  • Maria Rowinski (Dirigente biologa at A.O. SS. Antonio e Biagio e Cesare Arrigo di Alessandria)

    Maria Rowinski

    Dirigente biologa at A.O. SS. Antonio e Biagio e Cesare Arrigo di Alessandria

  • Tone Muthanna (Professor at NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology)

    Tone Muthanna

    Professor at NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology

  • Maria do Céu Almeida (Researcher at LNEC - Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil)

    Maria do Céu Almeida

    Researcher at LNEC - Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil

  • Kamal Azrague (Senior Researcher at SINTEF - Society for Industrial and Technical Research / Stiftelsen for Industriell og Teknisk Forskning)

    Kamal Azrague

    Senior Researcher at SINTEF - Society for Industrial and Technical Research / Stiftelsen for Industriell og Teknisk Forskning

  • Frédéric Cherqui (A/Prof at INSA Lyon - Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon)

    Frédéric Cherqui

    A/Prof at INSA Lyon - Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon

  • Piia Leskinen (Leader of research in Water and Environmental Engineering at Turku AMK - University of Applied Sciences)

    Piia Leskinen

    Leader of research in Water and Environmental Engineering at Turku AMK - University of Applied Sciences

  • Sara Eeman (Consultant at Aveco de Bondt)

    Sara Eeman

    Consultant at Aveco de Bondt

  • Rafael Casielles (Project Manager at BIOAZUL SL)

    Rafael Casielles

    Project Manager at BIOAZUL SL

  • AE

    Ania Escudero

  • BH

    Bengt Hansen


  • SM

    Sam Molenaar


  • JS

    Joaquín Serralta Sevilla


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